A small red fruit with a great Autumn flavor. Akane has white flesh and very pleasing crispness. They are great for tart eating. Season Length: August
We raise over 50 varieties of apples. Our trees range in age from 1 year old to 50 years old and we continually try new management systems to maximize production and labor.
Current apples in the market: 2024 Honeycrisp, Evercrisp, Goldrush, Macoun, Holiday, Firmgold, Cameo, Topaz, Northern Spy, Fuji, MacIntosh, Melrose, Empire, Stayman Winesap, Cortland, Crimson Crisp, Jonagold, and Golden Delicious. Learn About Each Variety
We have several orchards for you to pick your own at Ransom Sage Farm. You can mix varieties as you wish, however we do not offer pick your own for all the varieties we sell in our market.
Pick Your Own varieties: Honeycrisp, Sweet MAIA, Gala, Ginger Gold, Jonamac, MacIntosh, Holiday, Melrose, Golden Delicious, Jonagold, Mutsu, Topaz, Suncrisp, Ludacrisp, Rosalee, and Scruffy.
A small red fruit with a great Autumn flavor. Akane has white flesh and very pleasing crispness. They are great for tart eating. Season Length: August
This deep red skinned apple has a deceiving flavor. Burgundy's white flesh is extremely tart and arguably the most tart apple we sell. Similar to Granny Smith in flavor but more tender and better eating quality. Uses Baking and Eating. Season Length: August-Early Sept Similiar varieties: Milton, Northern Spy, Stayman Winesap, and Goldrush.
Cameo: This deep red fruit has a harmonious and subtle flavor. It’s smooth taste and pleasing aroma makes it great for sweet eating. Similar in shape to Red Delicious but much better flavor. Season Length: December - March
Canary is a great eating apple similar to gala. Firm and sweet with a very brilliant yellow skin. Season Length: October
This brilliantly red fruit has white flesh that does not turn brown after being sliced. It is slightly acidic with great mouth feel. Great for Baking and Eating. Similar to Jonathan. Season Length: September - February
Cortland apples are great for pies, sauce and eating. They are on the tart side and have plenty of great flavor. Similar to Macoun. They are known for their ability to make pink apple sauce if they are steamed with the skin. Season Length: October- January
Crimson Crisp: A new variety with great potential. Brilliantly colored and very hard to bite. This fruit is mildly tart. Season Length: Mid October
Daybreak is an early Fuji type apple that ripens in September. True Fuji's ripen for us at the end of October and taste much better in December after sitting in a cooler for a month. Daybreak is sweet and crisp, great for eating. Season Length: Mid September - December
Elstar is a wonderful apple with wonderful mouth feel. It is acidic and aromatic. Normally this fruit is small and great for lunches. Season Length: September-October
Empire is a great small apple for eating. It is hard and has a very clean mouth feel. Season Length: November - March
The Evercrisp is unique both in flavor and history. It is the first variety released from the MidWest Apple Improvement Association of which we are members. It is the first of many wonderfully unique varieties. Evercrisp is a cross between a Fuji and a Honeycrisp with everything you would hope for. It offers amazingly sweet and juicy flavor with the texture of Honeycrisp yet it is much more dense and will retain its shape and flavor much better in storage and at home. Season Length: November+ Much longer when we have more trees
Similar to Golden Delicious, in appearance and flavor. However, tecture is much more firm. Sweet great for eating and sauce.
This light brown, red apple has a golden flesh and a sweet aroma. It is easy to eat, frosty and sugary. It's flavor heightens after harvest. It has wonderful flavor Winter-Spring. They are one of the last apples we pick, normally the first week in November and they stay hard into June. Season Length December to June. Similar varieties: Gala, Daybreak Fuji, and Evercrisp
The Gala variety is great for sweet eating. It is ideal for children. Its orangish skin is very attractive. There are many 'sports' of Gala which is a fancy way to say there are many types of Gala. Most of our Gala are less red but have better flavor even when their color is yellowish to orange-red. Season Length: Mid September - February Similar varieties: Sweet Maia, Cameo, Daybreak Fuji, Golden Delicious, and Fuji.
Pick Your Own at Ransom Sage FarmGinger Gold is best characterized with 'Spritely'. Its thin skin and juicy texture give it a wonderful mouth feel. This delicate apple is very pleasing in flavor for an early apple. Normally Gala and Daybreak Fuji become a better choice once they are available. Season length: Late August - October
Pick Your Own at Ransom Sage FarmGolden Delicious apples are great for eating and baking. They are very sweet and will make sauce and pies much sweeter without the need for as much sugar. Season Length: October - May Similar varieties: Sweet Maia, Gala, Old Fashioned Delicious, Fuji, and Cameo
Pick Your Own at Ransom Sage FarmA puckery zinger of an apple! The yellow skin and flesh are deceiving. This assertive fruit is hard, crisp and very tart. You will be amazed with its mouthfeel regardless of whether or not you take another bite. Season Length: January - April
Everyone knows what Granny Smith tastes like. They are sour and taste starchy, as if they are not quite ripe. Good for sour eating and baking. Granny Smith is a very dense apple. Season Length: November-January Similar varieties: Milton, Northern Spy, Stayman Winesap, and Goldrush.
Hawaii apples are sweet and have a hint of coconut-pineapple twist. They are great for eating. Season Length: October
Holiday is a great eating apple with white flesh. It is crisp and has a very delicate mouth texture. The flavor is slightly tart to mild. Most similar to Macoun and Cortland. We normally save them in the cooler until December. Season Length: December - May
Pick Your Own at Ransom Sage FarmThis seductive apple has a sweet taste and acidy finish. Its characterized by a "unique snap". The robust and juicy texture will leave your mouth feeling clean. They can develope a richer more wine type flavor after being stored a few months. If you wonder why they are more expensive the simple answer is that they get just about every rot and disease problem known to apples, including a few new ones. There is simply a lot of fruit loss on the tree, when we harvest, and after keeping them in the cooler. Season length: Early September - March
Pick Your Own at Ransom Sage FarmHoneygold is similar to Golden Delicious. With more pronounced specks on the outer yellow skin it ripens a few weeks before Golden's. The faint flavor of sweet honey can be detected. Season Length: October - November
They are an old variety used for baking. We use them in our pie mixture bags.
JerseyMac has a wonderful flavor. It is probably the first sweet apple to ripen but does not last long. Season Length: Late July-Early August
Jonagold apples are great eating and baking. They are flavorful and slightly tart to sweet.
The Jonamac variety is a versatile apple. Its great for eating, baking and sauce. It's flavor is much sweeter than MacIntosh. Season Length: Mid Semptember - December
Has a firm tart texture. Normally small in size which makes them good for lunches. Season Length: October-December Similar varieties: Cardinal, Crimson Crisp, Stayman Winesap, and Goldrush.
Lodi is most commonly used for sauces and baking. It ripens very early in July.
Known as the "Purple Apple" the Macoun is very lite and crisp in texture. Macoun is highly acclaimed for its palate pleasing flavors of sweet and acid that will leave you wanting another bite. A Sage-Favorite Season Length: October 10th - February
McIntosh is known as the all purpose apple. It makes great pies, and sauce. Many peole enjoy eating them. They are mild in flavor and juicy. Season Length: September - March
Pick Your Own at Ransom Sage FarmMelrose: The "Ohio Apple” is known for its full flavored, velvety taste. Melrose is a great multi-purpose apple. It is known for its denseness, large size, red color, and bronze speckles. Use this apple for pies, eating and general baking. Sage-Favorite Season Length: October - June
Pick Your Own at Ransom Sage FarmMiller Red is a summer apple that is tart and great for baking.
Milton is well known for making great pies. It has a firm slice and tecture with great mouth feel. Season Length: September
Mollies Delicious as the name implies has many similarities to Red Delicious. Size is larger and color is less red. However, the shape and flavor is very similar. Season Length: August
Best characterized by a pear like taste, this apple is springy, verdant, and pleasing. It has a lite and even finish. It should be greenish with only some yellow. The more yellow the fruit has the greater the potential for it to be less hard, and greater flavor. Season Length: October - June
Pick Your Own at Ransom Sage FarmNorthern Spy are known for making great tart pies. Its great flavor and firmness lend it useful to eating and baking. Season Length: October - December
NY 414 has never been properly named. As the name implies it was discovered at a New York research orchard where they did fruit breeding. We enjoy this apple because it ripens about a week before Macoun and has a very similar shape, color, texture and flavor. Season Length: October
20oz Pippen is an old favorite for baking. It is very tart and hard which can make for good eating as well.
Red Delicious has many 'sports' which are variations that naturally develope in ones orchard. Old Fasion Delicious is simply an original graft that hasn't been seleted for color or shape to make the grocery stores happy. It is more sweet and flavorful than the new sports of Red Delicious. Harvest in early October.
This exciting early Honeycrisp is a wonderful apple to eat. It ripens about a month before Honeycrisp but Premier is as juicy and flavorful as can be. Season Length: Mid August - September
Pick Your Own at Ransom Sage FarmA simple early apple with good flavor. Harvest production of Pristine is low due to limited demand early is season. It is a great early eating apple. Season Length: August
Red Delicoius is the apple most people picture when we think of an apple. It has the points on the bottom and is upright in stature. Flavor is sweet and starchy with plenty of skin to chew. Season length: Mid October - February Similar varieties: Sweet Maia, Gala, Fuji, Evercrisp, and Golden Delicious
One of the new unique varieties released from MAIA breeding program that originated here in Ohio. Rosalee has enjoyable flavors of sweet and tart all the way to the core. Texture is crisp and pleasing. Great for eating and baking. Ripens mid to late October.
Pick Your Own at Ransom Sage FarmWell known for its full-bodied appeal and thick skin. The lumberjack apple a is heavy, tough apple with grainy texture and plenty of acidity. This apple can be hard to bite. Season Length: Late October - April
Topaz is a new variety with tender skin and crisp flesh. It is acidic and flavorful. Its full name is Crimson Topaz. Season Length: October - November
Pick Your Own at Ransom Sage FarmTransparent apples are the earliest apple to ripen. They are tart and great for sauce and pies. Season Length: July
Viking is a great early eating very tart apple. Season Length: late July
They are very tart and early in the season. Vista Bella is good for eating but can be used for baking. Season Length: July
Zestar has a complex flavor of acid and sugars that bring your taste buds alive. It can have great variation in flavor depending on how and when it was harvested. Hands down the best apple before Honeycrisp. Season Length: Late August - September